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Plan International Director Operations & Systems job

Plan International Director Operations & Systems job 2020 - Plan International Director Operations & Systems job 2021 - Plan International Director Operations & Systems job

Plan International Director Operations & Systems job

Director Systems & Operations

(Based in the Country Office in Dhaka)

Plan International Bangladesh is looking for a Director Systems & Operations. The position provides strategic thought leadership, professional expert advice and guidance on all aspects of operational strategy, planning and insight, sharing expertise and information to support effective decision-making and minimisation of corporate risks and maximise financial sustainability.

As a member of the Country Management Team your role will provide the operational foundation for the delivery of Plan International’s Country Strategy CS-2030.

The Role and Scope:

  • Leads strategic analysis and planning for all business operations, including scenario analysis, horizon scanning and assessment of opportunities and risks, including cashflow forecasting to ensure financial sustainability
  • Leads and supervises finance, logistics & administration, IT and government relations. Currently 4 direct line reports, who in turn manage a team of 47 persons.
  • Responsible for the system and operational management of a programme and operational budget in excess of USD 25 million, and provides guidance to programmes and management on planned and effective use of funds (sponsorship as well as grants).
  • Oversees the management of a small team budget
  • Leads legal registration and ensures legal operating requirements of the Government of Bangladesh are current and in place.
  • The role spearheads the implementation of Plan International’s cost recovery strategy and operational excellences in Bangladesh, and will assure all Plan International Bangladesh’s operations are cost efficient and promote effective use of resources
  • Represents Plan International externally on operational for a and with the Government of Bangladesh NGOAB
  • Is an advocate and champions gender equality, both in operations as well as within the CO team culture.

What we’re looking for
We are looking for an inspiring and dynamic leader with a minimum of 5 years senior programme management experience. A university degree in Business Studies, Business Administration, Management or Information Technology with significant experience in operations functions and programme/project management in corporate or in development organizations. An experienced process owner with a focus on operational excellence and continuous improvement of processes, policies, practices and standards. Proven experience introducing new organisational systemwide business processes. Must be able to balance the need for strategic focus and impact, with a high level of attention to detail – must be able to develop and manage detailed system plans accordance with organisation wide requirements

How to apply:
To find out more details and apply visit: Career Opportunities: Director Systems & Operations and should apply online by 11 November 2020. Plan International Bangladesh is committed to ending gender inequality, and achieving a gender balanced workforce. Qualified women are strongly encouraged to apply. Please note we will be shortlisting on an ongoing basis so would encourage early applications.

We promote competitive salary, female friendly workplace, outstanding co-workers (who are respectful, professional, unbiased and easy to work with); equal opportunity that mean equal access to promotion, leadership role or incentive programme.

Plan follows an equal opportunity policy and actively encourages diversity welcoming applications from all especially women and people living with disability.

Only short-listed candidates shall be contacted. References will be taken and background and Anti-terrorism checks will be carried out in conformity with Plans Safeguarding policy of Children and Young People.

As an independent development and humanitarian organization, We strive for a just world that advances children's rights and equality for girls. We are an equal opportunities employer.

jobs source: bdjobs
Tagged: Plan International Director Operations & Systems job 2020,Plan International Director Operations & Systems job 2021,Plan International Director Operations & Systems job,Plan International Director Operations & Systems in Dhaka,Plan International Operations Director in Addis Ababa,VACANT POSITION REGIONAL BUSINESS SYSTEM,Director - Operations (Director-OP) at Plan International May,Operations Manager at Plan International ... -,Director - Operations (Director-OP) at Plan International | Hot,Plan International recruits 01 Operational Director | Concoursn,Plan International Bénin recruits 01 Head of Operations,Operational Director / Deputy CD Job at Plan International,Career Opportunity in Operations & Finance Director (Re


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