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Job Opportunities In The Prothom Alo

Prothom Alo is the highest circulated and most read newspaper in Bangladesh. The online portal of Prothom Alo is the most visited Bangladeshi and Bengali website in the world. Prothom Alo is also having a huge impact in Social Media with 14M fans in Facebook, more than 1.31M follower in Twitter, more than 0.861M subscribers in YouTube channel. Not only this, our digital platform extends at LinkedIn, Instagram and so on.
DevOps & System Administrator
Position Summary
As DevOps & System Administrator, you will help build out and maintain server systems that process hundreds of millions of requests per month for Prothom Alo’s high traffic sites. You will also be responsible for on premises Linux & Windows server installation, maintenance, monitoring, data backup and recovery, networking & firewall, security and administration.
This position takes ownership of the current IT environments as well as design and development. The individual also is required to work alongside a highly skilled agile development team
  • Manage live systems working alongside management, architects, developers and QA
  • Jointly lead and develop QA automation and load testing frameworks and test strategies
  • Management and implementation of security policies
  • Server and hosting planning and configuration
  • Management and implementation of logging and audit systems
  • Internal and external domain management
  • Management of vendors
  • Incident response, recovery and change management
  • Familiarity with cloud platforms such as GCP or AWS
  • Familiarity with Linux/Unix and Windows server operating systems and platforms
  • Understanding of Cisco network and firewall
  • Knowledge of system security and data backup/recovery
  • SAN and storage experience is preferred
  • VMWare ESXi experience is desirable
  • Ability to create scripts in Bash, Python or other languages
  • Experience with software infrastructure automation and tools such as Ansible or Docker
  • Experience with Source Control Management, especially Git/GitHub
  • Strong work ethic, a drive for success and proactive attitude
  • Excellent problem solving and analytical skills
  • Excellent communication skills
Qualifications & Experience
  • Graduate or Masters in Computer Science or any Engineering discipline
  • Must have 5+ years of experience managing Linux systems
  • 1-3 years hands-on experience working with cloud infrastructure with AWS or GCP and be familiar with core services
  • Certifications
  • Linux certified System Administrator is must
  • Preferred Cloud (AWS/GCP) Certified DevOps Engineer
  • Preferred certification in Cloud Architectur
Job Location
  • Dhaka
Salary & Benefits
  • Attractive & Competitive salary package will be offered to the suitable candidate
Application Instruction
Only short-listed candidate(s) will be contacted
Application Deadline: 09 March 2019
Let's Meet the Expediency

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চাকরির খবর প্রথম আলো Archives ⋆ KFPlanet

চাকরির খবর - বিষয় - প্রথম আলো - Prothom Alo

চাকরির খবর প্রথম আলো Archives ⋆ KFPlanet

প্রথম আলো প্রকাশিত চাকরির বিজ্ঞপ্তি ২০১৯ ⋆ KFPlanet

আজকের চাকরির খবর ২০১৯-প্রতিদিনের সরকারি বেসরকারি চাকরির খবর ⋆ চাকরির ...

প্রথম আলো চাকরির খবর ২০১৮ - Bangla Cyber

প্রথম আলো পত্রিকায় প্রকাশিত সকল সরকারি,বে-সরকারি চাকরির খবর ..

চাকরির খবর প্রথম আলো । প্রথম আলো চাকরির বিজ্ঞপ্তি | Color BD


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