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মধুমতি ব্যাংকে ক্যারিয়ার গড়ার সুযোগ দিয়ে নিয়োগ বিজ্ঞপ্তি প্রকাশ

মধুমতি ব্যাংক লিমিটেডের ভিবিন্ন পদে জনবল নিয়োগ দেওয়া হবে। আগ্রহী প্রার্থীরা নিচের বিজ্ঞপ্তি গুলি দেখুন-

Job Nubbar 01

Customer Service Officer - Lounge, Shah Amanat International 

  • Modhumoti Bank Ltd.
  • Airport (Off-EO) Deadline : 17th Mar, 2019
  • Modhumoti Bank Ltd.
  • Education : Minimum Bachelor's Degree having no...
  • Experience : 2 to 3 year(s)

  • Job Description / Responsibility
  • Provide smooth and effective Customer Services at lounge.
  • Correspond to all e-mails timely and professionally.
  • Maintain rapport with authority of Shah Amanat International Airport.
  • Provide information against card holders' queries.
  • Generate reports & perform analysis of the reports as and when required.
  • Taking ownership of solving customers' problems.
  • Any other job/instruction as and when assigned by the Management of the Bank.

  • Job Nature Full Time

  • Educational Requirements
  • Minimum Bachelor's Degree having no 3rd Class/equivalent CGPA in his/her academic record.

  • Experience Requirements
  • 2 to 3 year(s)

  • Job Requirements
  • 2-3 years' working experience in Bank.
  • Experience in relevant field (lounge) is preferable.
  • Experience in front office / customer service management is preferable.
  • Sound knowledge on computer especially in MS Office.
  • Excellent interpersonal and communication skills.
  • Excellent team building & people management skills.
  • Ability to work under pressure.

  • Gender: Both
  • Age: Any
  • Job Location: Chattogram
  • Salary Range: Negotiable

  • Apply Instructions
  • Apply HERE
  • Application Deadline : Mar 17, 2019

Job Nubbar 02

Junior Field Officer (Contractual)
  • Modhumoti Bank Ltd. 
  • Deadline : 13th Mar, 2019
  • Education : Minimum Bachelor's Degree having no...

  • Job Description / Responsibility
  • Achieve business target given by the Bank.
  • Target potential customers and assess opportunities for sales.
  • Arrange meetings with potential customers and promote Bank's products & services.
  • Give constant effort to increase existing market share and penetrate new market segment through bank's offerings.
  • Perform overall activities of Agent Banking points as per service agreement.
  • Customer KYC Verification.
  • Any other job/instruction as and when assigned by the Management of the Bank.

  • Job Nature - Contractual

  • Educational Requirements
  • Minimum Bachelor's Degree having no 3rd Class/equivalent CGPA in his/her academic record.

  • Experience Requirements: Not mandatory

  • Job Requirements
  • Age at most 30 years
  • Age not exceeding 30 (thirty) years as on 13-Mar-19
  • Candidates having Motorcycle with valid driving license will get preference.
  • Sound knowledge on computer especially in MS Office.
  • Must have customer focused attitude.
  • Should be dedicated and career focused.
  • Must have strong communication skills.
  • Candidates of mentioned location will get preference

  • Gender: Both
  • Age: At most 30 year(s)

Job Location
Bhola, Chattogram, Faridpur, Gopalganj, Khulna, Madaripur, Mymensingh, Naogaon, Rajshahi, Rangpur, Sylhet, Tangail 

  • Salary Range: 12,000

Apply Instructions
Apply HERE

Application Deadline : Mar 13, 2019

Job Nubbar 03

Probationary Officer 

  • Modhumoti Bank Ltd.
  • Deadline : 13th Mar, 2019
  • Education : MBM/MBA/Masters in any discipline from...

Job Context
Probation Period: Selected candidates will have to undergo a probation period of 02 years. After successful completion of probation period, they will be absorbed as Executive Officer under regular pay-scale of the Bank.

Job Description / Responsibility: N/A

Job Nature: Full Time

Educational Requirements
MBM/MBA/Masters in any discipline from any reputed public/leading private university with at least 03 (three) 1St Class/Division or equivalent CGPA having no 3rd Class/Division or equivalent CGPA in his/her entire academic record.

Experience Requirements: Not mandatory

  • Job Requirements
  • Age not exceeding 30 (thirty) years as on last date of application.
  • Maximum age limit for descendants of Freedom Fighter/Martyr Freedom Fighter is 32 years.
  • Dedicated & Career Focused
  • Effective Communication Skill
  • Positive Attitude & Desire to Learn
  • Analytical & Leadership Skill
  • Strong Computer Knowledge
  • Team Player

  • Gender: Both
  • Age: Any
  • Job Location: Anywhere in Bangladesh
  • Salary Range: Negotiable

Job Source:


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