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The British High Commission, Dhaka is seeking an Immigration Liaison Assistant. The incumbent will primarily handle information received from the public and official data. The candidate shall assist in developing, researching and supporting immigration crime investigations. The successful candidate shall provide administrative support, liaison with internal and external stakeholders. The candidate will also carry out compliance checks and assist with field visits.

For further details regarding the job specification and job application form, please visit the following link: British High Commission, Dhaka

Position of “Immigration Liaison Assistant” closes on 2nd April 2019 midnight.

View Vacancy - Immigration Liaison Assistant
The British Government is an inclusive and diversity-friendly employer.  We value difference, promote equality and challenge discrimination, enhancing our organisational capability. We welcome and encourage applications from people of all backgrounds. We do not discriminate on the basis of disability, race, colour, ethnicity, gender, religion, sexual orientation, age, veteran status or other category protected by law. We promote family-friendly flexible working opportunities, where operational and security needs allow.

Job Category : Other British Government Departments (Partners across Government, including UK Visas)
Job Subcategory: Home Office
Job Description (Roles and Responsibilities): Main purpose of job:

The successful candidate will work for the Immigration Enforcement International (IEI) team, part of the UK Home Office, at the British High Commission Dhaka.

IEI works with UK and international law enforcement partners to tackle immigration crime, primarily by identifying threats to the UK Border, preventing inadequately documented passengers travelling to the UK, enhancing visa decision quality, identifying visa abuse and developing criminal investigations against individuals and organisations which cause harm to the UK.

The primary purpose of this Immigration Liaison Assistant role is to deal with information received by the team; grade it’s importance and deal with it accordingly under the supervision of an ILO and before review by an ILO.

The successful candidate will need excellent organisational and time management skills; an ability to multi-task; have a proactive approach to problem solving, have relevant practical IT skills and be able to provide operational and administrative support to colleagues.

The role requires effective decision making.  The ability to analyse complex data and make recommendations based on the conclusions is important.

Roles and Responsibilities

Primarily handling information received from the public and official data

Receiving and grading information received.  Administering the information system, circulating suspect alerts, contributing to monthly reports, and helping to prepare monthly statistical returns.
Conducting checks against government systems; using information to inform decision making.
Assisting to develop, research and support immigration crime investigations 

Undertaking verification checks, compliance checks and project research.
Supporting the development of evidence- based intelligence to support visa officers in their decision-making and the IEI team in relation to operational activity and development of investigation into immigration crime.
Offering administrative support

To fully support all IEI administrative functions as well as providing logistical support to the Immigration Liaison Officers and Managers.

Once established and where relevant, work with the Immigration Liaison Officers and Manager to help develop and maintain strong internal and external stakeholder relationships with local law-enforcement, airlines, international liaison colleagues, as well as High Commission and Home Office colleagues. Seeking feedback on individual cases, exchanging information on subjects of interest, providing alerts and trend notices to partner agencies.
Field visits

Where required being able to work flexibly outside of the office.  To communicate effectively with Immigration Liaison Officers and Manager carrying out compliance checks and assisting with field visits.  To complete written reports and verification to a high standard.
What we require from you

A working knowledge of Microsoft Office, especially Excel (Advanced Excel knowledge is desirable) e.g. use and application of pivot tables;
Use of an evidence based approach to gather information from a wide range of sources and viewpoints, analysis and evaluation and reaching sound conclusions in order to propose constructive solutions;
Effective and confident communication skills in English;
The ability to prioritise work effectively under pressure
Essential qualifications, skills and experience
Essential on arrival:

University graduate level of education.
Strong interpersonal and verbal communication skills.
A high level of written and spoken English with the ability to write high quality reports.
Strong organisational and time management skills.
Use of an evidence based approach to gather information from a wide range of sources and viewpoints, analysis and evaluation and reaching sound conclusions in order to propose constructive solutions.
An ability to work under pressure.
Excellent IT skills (MS Office), particularly Excel.
Desirable qualifications, skills and experience

Fluent Bangla (oral and written)

Previous immigration, law enforcement and/or analytical or investigation experience would be an advanta

Required competencies
Seeing the Big Picture, Making Effective Decisions, Collaborating and Partneri


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