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Job at Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs

Job at Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs  Job IN Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs
Job at Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs

Job Summary
When it comes to telling an engaging story that prompts the audience to reflect on their own lives and make choices, Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs (CCP) excels. A global leader in the field of Entertainment Education for over 30 years, CCP combines analysis and theory with the art of storytelling. The result is a large collection of emotionally resonant stories that enable audiences to identify with fictional counterparts whose behavior is modelled in real life. CCP programs use film, television, radio, as well as the internet and mobile phones to bring engrossing narratives to audiences. Using evidence-based theories of behavior change, CCP embeds its productions with messages centered on urgent health and social topics
and more.

JHUCCP wants to hire a Bangla editor to provide assistance to the Project Manager to draft and review different health related project documents, materials, etc. in Bangla.

Essential Duties and Responsibilities include the following. Other duties may be assigned.
  • Liaise with transmedia and other teams, and draft different documents, materials, etc. in Bangla
  • Review diverse Bangla health related project documents, materials, audio-visuals, etc.
  • Translate from English to Bangla diverse health related project documents, materials, audiovisuals,
  • etc.
  • Work as part of a broader transmedia team
  • Perform related duties as assigned under supervision of JHUCCP staff
Skills, knowledge and experience requirements
  • Excellent written Bangla
  • Good editorial skills
  • University education majoring in Bangla preferred
  • Good punctuation and other relevant writing skills
  • Experience of producing wide variety of documents for diverse audiences
  • Must be patient and concentrate for long periods
  • Keen eye for correcting mistakes
  • Attention to details

Post Name: Bangla Editor
Employment type: Consultant
Contract period: Starting from July 15, 2020; initially for five and half months (until December 31, 2020), with possibility of extension
Location: Dhaka, Bangladesh
Citizen: Bangladeshi citizen.
Language Skills: Excellent written and oral skills in Bangla and English

Apply instructions: All candidates applying to this position must submit their updated résumé, at least three different relevant work samples, along with three references.

Please send these to

Application Deadline: Thursday, July 9, 2020

EEO Statement:
Johns Hopkins University is committed to equal opportunity for its faculty, staff, and students. To that end, the University does not discriminate on the basis of sex, gender, marital status, pregnancy, race, color, ethnicity, national origin, age, disability, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, veteran status or other legally protected characteristic. The University is committed to providing qualified individuals access to all academic and employment programs, benefits and activities on the basis of demonstrated ability, performance and merit without regard to personal factors that are irrelevant to the program involved.
The Johns Hopkins University is an Equal Opportunity Employer and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, sex, religion, age, sexual orientation, national, or ethnic origin, disability, veteran status, or any other occupationally irrelevant criteria.

Job Sourch:
Tag: জন হপকিন্স সেন্টার ফর কমিউনিকেশন প্রোগ্রাম JOB ডেসক্রিপশন,Job at Johns Hopkins Center for Communication প্রোগ্রামস,Job at Johns Hopkins Center for Communication প্রোগ্রামস,Job IN Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs,Careers - Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs,Careers Uganda - Johns Hopkins Center for Communication,Job at Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs for,Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health,John Hopkins Center for Communication Programs is hiring,Johns Hopkins University Center for Communication Programs,জন হপকিন্স সেন্টার ফর কমিউনিকেশন প্রোগ্রাম JOB DESCRIPTION-এর ছবি,Jobs in Uganda - Human Resource and Administration,COVID-19 - The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security,Summer Internship Program - Johns Hopkins Medicine,Bangla Editor job circular


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