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square group job circular 2020

square group job circular 2020 - square textiles division job circular - Executive, Engineering Job Circular 2020

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SQUARE Textiles Division is a venture of SQUARE Group, which has the most sophisticated vertically integrated composite RMG setups in the country. SQUARE Textiles Division is looking for smart, energetic and result oriented team members to support our continuous growth. If you think you have what it takes to be a member of SQUARE, do not wait to apply as:

Executive, Engineering

Major Duties and Responsibilities:
  • To ensure maintenance, testing & operation of fire hydrant & fire pumps system.
  • To do preventative maintenance of sizing, warping, AHU, chiller, boiler, compressor, exhaust fans & pumps as per manufacturers’ recommendation.
  • To attend any mechanical breakdown maintenance of sizing, warping, AHU, chiller, boiler, compressor & pumps.
  • To ensure optimum stock of spare parts of mechanical items for AHU, chiller, boiler, compressor, exhaust fans & pumps.

Pre-requisite to Apply:
  • Educational Qualifications: B.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering from any reputed public/private university.
  • Must have 1-2 years of experience in relevant field.
  • Age: Not more than 30 years.
  • Good communication and conversant skill.
Work Station: Square Apparels Ltd. (Factory), Zamirdia, Bhaluka, Mymensingh.

Application Deadline: July 25, 2020.

Please apply with a complete Curriculum Vitae (CV) along with recent passport size color photographs addressing to the Deputy General Manager, HR & Admin Department, Square Textiles Division, Head Office, Mascot Plaza (10th-12thFloor), Sector#7, Uttara, Dhaka-1230. Or, send email to:

Position applied for must be mentioned at the top of the Envelope/Email Subject. Only short-listed candidates will be called for further selection process.

Job Source:

Tag: square group job circular 2020,IN SEARCH of EXCELLENCE,SQUARE Textiles Division,SQUARE Group,square group job circular 2020,square textiles division job circular,Executive, Engineering Job Circular 2020,SQUARE Textiles Division Job Circular 2020 - textile,SQUARE Textiles Job Circular 2020 – www.textile,SQUARE TEXTILES DIVISION Job Circular 2019 | BD Jobs,Square Group Job Circular 2020 - Lekhapora BD Jobs,SQUARE Textiles Division -এ নতুন নিয়োগ বিজ্ঞপ্তি প্রকাশিত,Square Textiles Division Job Circular 2019 - Daily Chakri,Square Textiles Division Job Circular 2018 - www,স্কয়ার টেক্সটাইল ডিভিশনে নিয়োগ চলছে-SQUARE TEXTILES,Square Textiles Division Job Circular –,SQUARE Textiles Division Job Circular 20 - textile

Square Group Job Circular 2020 - Lekhapora BD Jobs,Square Group Job Circular 2020 | BD GOVT JOB,Square Group Job Circular 2020 -,Square Group Jobs Circular 2020 | BD Jobs Careers,SQUARE Pharmaceuticals Job Circular 2020 – squarepharma,Square Group Job Circular 2020 || স্কয়ার গ্রুপ নিয়োগ,Square Group Job Circular 2020 - Bangladesh Govt Jobs 2020,Square Pharmaceuticals Limited Job Circular 2020: নিয়োগ,Square Toiletries Job Circular 2020 -,Square Group Job Circular 2020


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