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Canadian immigration - 01: The importance of the English language

Canadian immigration - 01: The importance of the English language

The history of immigration to Canada is very long. This trend will continue for a long time. To take advantage of this opportunity you need to be proficient in English or French or both languages. These are the two official languages ​​of Canada. This is my limited attempt to shed light on the importance of English only in the context of Bangladesh. It would be nice if this discussion could be of some use to someone.

Proficiency in English will greatly help you to integrate into the Canadian social system and be successful in your studies or workplace. In addition, you cannot be a Canadian PR (Permanent Resident) or a citizen without proficiency in English. Generally, you can apply to become a citizen if you have lived in Canada for a few years after becoming a PR. In this case too, knowing English is mandatory, unless you are an elderly person.

Applicants from Bangladesh usually take the IELTS test to prove their English language proficiency. IELTS is again of two types. General Training and Academic. Applying for immigration is through a general training exam, not an academic one. And, academic takes school-college-university admission. Academic exams are a bit tougher than general training. So, some people think that giving an academic exam will probably be two things, immigration and study. Not really. I have seen many such incidents while working as an Immigration Consultant (RCIC). If your purpose is both immigration and study, you should take both types of IELTS exams.

I would like to give you a real example of how a slight variation in IELTS score can have a big impact on CRS score. As a real example, this is one of my own immigration client profiles. I will not reveal his name in order to protect his privacy. However, I will try to explain the importance of IELTS score in Canadian immigration by discussing it in general.

Not without giving you some idea of ​​what a CRS score is for the sake of this discussion. This CRS (Comprehensive Ranking System) score is the first consideration for immigrant applicants whose applications are considered in the Express Entry System. The CRS score is determined by considering the age, educational qualifications, work experience, language skills, etc. of the applicant and the similar skills of the spouse if he / she is married. IELTS scores play a big role as CRS scores. This is because, in addition to giving direct points to the applicant from the IELTS score, the IELTS score is also given separate points based on educational qualifications and work experience.

Let me explain the matter with an example. Suppose one of the two applicants has only higher secondary pass, the other has MA pass. Both of them have very high IELTS scores. But, as can be seen in the workplace, who also has a higher educational qualification with a higher IELTS score, he will be able to contribute much more than others in the workplace. This means that if the language skills of the highly educated applicant are also high, he / she will get much more points as a CRS. The same argument applies to work experience. Understand how important IELTS scores, or English language skills, are in immigration to Canada.

Let's see how much IELTS results affect my client's CRS score described above.

The age of the original applicant is forty nine. Canada has a master's degree. Work experience outside of Canada, about ten years. The IELTS score is seven in Listening, and seven in Reading, Writing, and Speaking. His wife has a master's degree in Bangladesh, but no work experience. The IELTS score is closer to that of her husband.

If you calculate the CRS score in the above profile, it is not even 400. This score is relatively less likely to get ITA (Invitation to Apply) in Express Entry. For those who don't know, PR or immigration application in Canada cannot be submitted without getting ITA. And, to get ITA is to get competitive CRS score.

Surprising to hear, my client's IELTS score increased by just one point in listening and his CRS score increased to over four and a half. With that comes a significant increase in his chances of getting an ITA. Understand how important it is for Canadian immigrants to improve their English skills.

If you have questions about immigration to Canada, you will find reflection in future articles. Also, keep an eye on to learn the ins and outs of Canadian immigration. I end here today with the interest of sharing many more valuable information with you.

সূত্র: বিডি নিউজ ২৪ ডটকম

ট্রান্সলেট: গুগোল ট্রান্সলেট

লেখক: কানাডীয় ইমিগ্রেশন কনসালটেন্ট, আরসিআইসি 



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